
BeCopywriter Services:

Words That Get Results

It’s not a secret…

You’re here because you want your business to thrive. Right? You want more leads, more sales and more profits. I know it. You know it. And together, we’re going to make it happen.

So come a little closer and pay close attention because you’re about to discover how results-driven copywriting will help you to reach your business goals and dominate the marketplace faster than you ever imagined possible.

It’s the words that make the sale

Competition is fierce out there, and it’s only getting tougher. It’s a crowded marketplace where everyone is screaming for attention. If you want your business stand out, if you want to be heard, you need to get your message across. But shouting louder won’t do you any good. In fact, if you want to succeed in business, you must follow this formula:

The right message + The right words + The right audience = Success!

Copywriting is more than just fancy words. A well crafted message should be planned and deliberate. Every word, every sentence, and every paragraph must exist for a reason: Getting your prospect closer to the goal. And that’s precisely what we do – we’ll help you come up with the right message and write it using the right words to deliver it for maximum impact.

What can copywriting do for YOU?

Copywriting helps whenever you need a sound and solid response from an audience. This response can be anything: from building a list of red-hot prospects with a high-conversion squeeze page, to generating direct sales from a video sales letter (VSL). From getting interested callers to an 800 number, to packing up a live event using social media.

Here’s a list of the type of projects we most commonly handle for our clients:

Front top to bottom. A well-crafted funnel includes all the required pieces to move your prospects from first contact, all the way to ka-ching… And take your business from zero to hero record-breaking time

+ Content marketing

More than ever before, your audience needs information to make a buying decision: blogs, ebooks, advertorials, case studies and even infographics.You’ll have engaging and shareable content that turns visitors into customers.

+ Video sales letters & Webinar scripts

Video continues to be the fastest-growing media on the web. Nothing else can persuade so effectively, push all the right buttons and send your prospects into a buying frenzy than a well-scripted VSL or webinar.

+ Website & SEO copywriting

Your website gets about 5 seconds to make a good first impression. To make sure they count, you need optimized copy that connects with your audience, delivering the right message, using the right words. Let’s make it happen!

+ Business emails & autoresponders

If you’re not in constant contact with your audience, you’re missing out on huge potential growth. Your emails will build trust, educate, entertain and peak curiosity. And more importantly… get more opens, clicks and sales. 

+ Advertising copywriting

If you’re spending money on traffic, you’d better be sure to squeeze the most visitors out of every ad. I’ll plan, design and write PPC ads that engage and bring into your funnel, only the most valuable kind of visitors.

* If the type of work you want is not listed above, just contact me and tell me about your project.

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